
The Lawn strikes back!

So, yes I have been reading to much in the news about the new Star Wars films but it is sometimes a saga when dealing with the lawn! Last weekend the lawn got put on hold, with the warmer weather there was just to much rain too and most of the lawn was saturated with […]

Out comes the Lawnmower!

So it is that time of year again and the weather has finally warmed and more importantly it has started to bring some dry spells too. So out comes the lawnmer and last week the first cut of the year was a great feeling. It has taken a bit longer this year for the lawn […]

Do to-do’s work?

So I got an app installed, I’m trying Wunderlist at the moment, and started to generate a task list. First result… positive. I managed to start a basic list and then actually complete some tasks. I followed the advice from Paul Choy, reblog’d earlier and focused on three tasks.  I completed my three selected tasks, […]

Teeth brushing fun!

Teaching a 2 year old to brush their teeth has so far been a regular battle of wills. While the idea sounds fun and the tooth brush itself provides lots of entertainment, the act itself is far from enjoyed! Unfortunately my little one does not like it when daddy takes over the playing and attempts […]

Protection for the unknown

I had a conversation this week with colleagues.  We found our selves on the subject of life insurance and eventually life & critical insurance.  What I found amazing was the wide variety of views.  Some had no insurance whatsoever and passionately believed it was not necessary, if fact a gimic, others were very supportive and […]

Cancer and a social responsability

The fact of the matter is that Cancer will, unfortunatly, effect each of us either directly (1 in 3) or indirectly at some point in our lives and as the years go by the chance of this happening is every increasing.  It is a sobering thought when you look around at yoursefl and your loved […] News

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