
Do to-do’s work?

So I got an app installed, I’m trying Wunderlist at the moment, and started to generate a task list. First result… positive. I managed to start a basic list and then actually complete some tasks. I followed the advice from Paul Choy, reblog’d earlier and focused on three tasks.  I completed my three selected tasks, […]

Post from “Process Index”

Originally posted on Process Index:
  What – 80/20 is a productivity rule derived from the Pareto principle which states that, for many events, roughly 80% of the effects come from 20% of the causes. Why – Time is increasingly becoming a valuable commodity for everyone. Whether it is during projects or outside of them, there are always…

Want to be productive? Ditch your to-do list

Having just written about using lists myself, I read this and thought it was a good angle on a common issue, so might adapt the idea.

Ohh what to do next…?

How do you keep track of all that needs doing in the lives of you and your family?  There are all the many things to track, the daily chores, the jobs around the house, some routine and some infrequent.  Then there are the bigger things in life, the holidays, the opportunities, the family planning, the […] News

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